
Six-sided psychic

六面体に描かれたトランプの中からひとつを思ってもらい、特別な質問などをせずにズバリと当ててしまうマジックです。 一度に2名から4名までを相手にできるので、パーティーなどで信じられない読心術を気軽に見せることができます。 巧妙な原理により、やさしくマスターできます!

A cube printed with dozens of playing cards is usedto read your spectator’s mind! After freely rotating thecube, your spectator calls stop and thinks of a cardshown on the upper surface. So it can be confirmedlater, the spectator writes down his thought-of cardbut hides the paper so nobody else can see. As soonas your spectator positions the cube with his card onthe upper surface, you can instantly divine the cardhe has merely thought of!
